Providing Innovative, Practical and Cost-Effective Solutions…
D&L Engineering provides a full range of customer services from the supply of a single component to complex customized fire detection and suppression systems for large industrial facilities. We have continued to forge many enduring alliances with related businesses, consultants and industries through a commitment to consistent value and solutions driven by customer requirements. Our reputation for top-notch technical service and a comprehensive range of products is well established. D&L Engineering has assembled some of the industry’s most trusted and respected suppliers of Fire, Life Safety and Control Equipment. We work independently from our manufacturers by integrating various products to strike the perfect balance between you and your business needs. Fully understanding your requirements is the key to identifying the equipment best suited for your particular application.
D&L Engineering’s customer and project list includes military bases, marine and offshore installations, power utilities, oil refineries, pulp and paper plants, industrial manufacturing plants, telecommunication complexes, institutional and commercial facilities, etc. Our systems have been configured to meet local fire codes and insurance requirements including ULC, UL, NFPA, Factory Mutual, CFFM, Canadian Coast Guard, United States Coast Guard, ABS, Lloyd’s and DNV Approvals.
Our interest in protecting your people and property extends beyond the design and installation of your fire alarm system. Not only does D&L Engineering configure leading edge technologies in creative and practical ways, but we also provide expert maintenance, inspection, testing and emergency services to ensure that your system performs as intended in the event of an unforeseen emergency. Our staff includes two registered professional engineers, and a factory-trained and Canadian Fire Alarm Association certified service department with extensive experience in the service and maintenance of all types of fire protection and suppression control systems. D&L Engineering is ULC listed for both Fire Alarm Service and Halon Service.
D&L’s Quality Commitment
Over the years, D&L has looked at what the industry would need from service and supply companies. We recognized that we could better serve the industry with a company that guaranteed top quality services and products, and one that conducted its business operations in a consistent and measurable fashion. To support our promise of top quality, D&L Engineering has operated an ISO 9001 quality management system since December of 1999. Our ultimate objective is to satisfy customers in everything we do through continuous improvement in all business practices. D&L Engineering makes its continued commitment to customers, suppliers and employees to build lasting professional relationships and to deliver the highest quality products and services. We welcome and encourage feedback and suggestions on how we can better meet customer needs and expectations.
D&L’s Safety Commitment
During the company’s history, D&L Engineering Sales Limited employees have continued to exercise safe and diligent work practices as evidenced by our zero lost time for accidents and injuries. As a commitment to both our employees and our customers, and in recognizing the paramount importance of health and safety, D&L Engineering has maintained a “Certificate of Recognition” since May 2000 from the Nova Scotia Construction Safety Association by demonstrating a strong commitment to the safety requirements of the program.
D&L’s Privacy Policy
D&L Engineering Sales Limited is committed to protecting and respecting the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of our customer information. As part of this commitment, we have established Ten Privacy Principles, built upon the values set by the Canadian Standards Association’s Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information and Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, to govern our actions as they relate to the use of customer information. All employees are responsible for protecting and maintaining customer information under their control.
Customers may direct privacy questions or enquiries to D&L’s Privacy Officer, Marion Leahey. We will investigate all complaints received and take appropriate action to address these issues.